Quick Commerce Shopping Cart

Shopping Cart Software

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QCCart's shopping cart software is compatible with multiple hosting platforms

What is a hosting platform and how does that affect my software? Simply put, a hosting platform is the software that runs on a web server. It is the servers. operating system. This matters when selecting shopping cart software because some operating systems work better with software written in different languages. This can become a complicated situation possibly requiring more expertise or research than a business owner might expect.

Imagine paying $300-$400 for a software package that is intended to run your online shopping cart and finding out that it does not work. Typically the implementer thinks that they did something wrong. Or they might not even notice that under certain conditions the software does not really run the shopping cart. Eventually it is learned that the software does not run well or at all on the hosting platform. The solution is ostensibly simple: change hosting to a company that runs operating system software that is compatible with your shopping cart. This can lead to other complications such as the other software and databases that you web site uses not being compatible with the new operating system.

You can avoid all of this because our shopping cart software works with any Hosting Platform. QCCart is a web-based product, and that makes it hosting platform independent. Your shopping cart will work with any hosting provider that enables you to copy and paste simple HTML into the pages of your website. No access is needed to the CGI bin of your hosting company or will you have to research what software is compatible with their hosting operating system.